Rome – Tennis Friends 2014 prevention health and sport

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Rome – Tennis & Friends 2014, prevention, health and sport

It renews itself the appointment with the weekend dedicated to prevention and sport. Also this year, in fact, for everyone Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 October from 10 to 18 it will be possible to undergo free thyroid tests performed by medical teams of the University Hospital A. Gemini, and for the first time also for the control of cholesterol and blood sugar.

As in previous editions, the public will be able to watch at the same time tennis matches that will see VIPs as protagonists like Fiorello, Maria De Filippi, Paolo Bonolis, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Amadeus, Noemi and others on the red fields of the historic Foro Italico in Rome.

The event ad Free admission It is made by the Real Sports Events in collaboration with the Polyclinic a. Twins and sponsored by Roma Capitale, Lazio Region, Coni and Fit.

“We are very satisfied to be able to host this commendable initiative in our territory and I therefore thank the Dr. Giorgio Meneschincheri, deputy director of the Polyclinic a. Gemini and creator of the project. It is of fundamental importance to promote the concepts of prevention and early diagnosis and also enhance the virtuous combination of health and sport.

I therefore invite the citizens of the XV Town Hall to participate in this event, remembering the precious opportunity to be able to use Gemelli’s doctors in a completely free way “, he has declared Simone Ariola Councilor for great events of the Rome XV town hall.