Rome – The Lazio Region enhances the network for L Alzheimer

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Roma – The Lazio Region enhances the network for the Alzheimer

The Alzheimer’s Assessment Units (grapes) will be transformed into Specialist diagnostic centres and Territorial Expert Centers more suitable for tackling the problem of dementia, with a view to consolidating the territorial social-health network at the service of non-self-sufficient people, including the elderly. This is the reorganization process initiated by Lazio region with the approval of the decree signed by the president Nicola Zingaretti as Commissioner for the health return plan and in implementation of the national dementia plan.

Dementias are one of the main causes of death in Western countries in the over-65s, they are a source of severe disabilities in old age, profoundly influencing the quality of life of the patient and his family, autonomy in daily activities and survival. In the Lazio region, about 86 are estimated.000 people affected by this pathology, half by Alzheimer’s disease. The incidence increases with age and the number of affected subjects tends to rise every year, in relation to the progressive aging of the population.

In Lazio it is estimated about 14.200 new cases a year.

“QThis provision aims to provide greater support to families and strengthen patient resources; with the reorganization of dementia centres – explains the President Zingarettithe aim is to increase the integration and coordination of the various healthcare structures, the various social and health workers and general practitioners, as well as family members”.

Dementia, as a chronic disease, is a classic example of need for a multidisciplinary approach and a strong social and health integration, as the different phases of the disease require personalized and diversified interventions, both on the strictly healthcare side (drug and non -pharmacological therapy, cognitive reactivation, motor rehabilitation) and social with the day centers Alzheimer’s (home care and support for families).