Health – Valle del Sacco spoken Very serious alarm for infanile tumors immediately clarity and certain

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Health – Valle del Sacco, spoken: “ very serious alarm for infanile tumors, immediately clarity and certainty.”

“ new data on the tumors among children arrive from the Valle del Sacco, which if confirmed would highlight a very serious alarm, we ask for clarity and immediate certainties -Deci Lorenzo Parlati, president of Legambiente Lazio-. We ask the Department of Epidemiology of the Lazio Region, an organism of great authority, to deepen how much è emerged to clarify and inform the citizens of the Valle del Sacco, also of the potential risks to which they are exhibited. In the sack valley there are several environmental matrices to be polluted, from the water to the water to soils.

The reclamation must proceed without hesitation, the downgrading of the site, against which Legambiente and committees have appealed, cannotò Stop the Action started. Next to this è Then essential to establish a regional tumor register, in order to collect all the essential data for research on cancer causes also in this area Così strongly affected.”


Soì Legambiente comments on the data relating to “ study on childhood tumors in the Sacco Valley ”.But. Mamme Colleferro Association, network for the protection of the Valle del Sacco (Retuvasa) and Minerva Pelti Onlus who have requested and acquired the documents. The study shows that in the area 1 (Municipalities of Colleferro, Segni and Gavignano) there is an evident increase in hospitalizations for all causes, which stands for the ET bandà 0-14 years, both for males and females, around 40% in PIù Compared to the regional average.

For Area 2 (Municipalities of Paliano, Anagni, Ferentino, Sgurgola, Morolo and Supino) the percentage of hospitalization reported for children from 0 to 14 years old è of 18% in PIù Compared to the regional average for males and 26% for females. In particular, the case of Anagni is mentioned, where for the males of 0-14 years of age, 281% are highlighted in PIù For cancer at the encephal and 174% in PIù For malignant tumors of the lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue, leading the same epidemiologists to affirm that “ the cluster of male cases found in Anagni, even if of entitiesà limited and potentially due to random variations, it deserves further insights.”

Since 2005 the Basin of the Sacco River è At the proclaimed state of socio-economic environmental emergency and è A monitoring project was started on “ health of the population in the area of the Valle del Sacco ” entrusted to the Department of Epidemiology of A.S.L. Rome and.