Rosalia in pregnancy the advice to prevent it

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Rosalia in pregnancy? The tips to prevent it

There are infectious diseases with a greater incidence during childhood. However, it may happen that viruses such as chickenpox, measles or rubella, they also hit in adulthood, risking to become dangerous. Contracting rosolia in pregnancy, in particular, can lead to series complications in the development of the fetus.

Undergoing prenatal screening tests, such as the fetal DNA test, and regular checks is essential for all women, who should perform specific tests already before pregnancy, in addition to prenatal diagnosis tests, such as amniocentesis, to control health of child.

There rubella It is an infectious disease caused by Rubivirus, which is transmitted by air, through sneezing, cough or drips of saliva emitted by speaking. It manifests itself with the appearance of an exanthema, an eruption of small rosaceous spots, similar to those that appear with measles or scarlettina. The incubation time of the disease is 2-3 weeks 1 , after this period the rash begins to appear, first on the face and neck and then on the rest of the body, which can last 5-10 days.

In some cases, other symptoms occur, such as fever, headache, cold, and swollen lymph nodes. In 50% of cases the symptoms may not be evident so the disease may go unnoticed 2 .

There rubella in pregnancy can lead to serious consequences on the health of the fetus. In this case, the child is affected by congenital rubella syndrome and can present greater damage if the pregnant woman contracts the disease in the first 12 weeks of gestation 3 . The consequences can be: intra-uterine death, spontaneous abortion and malformations or congenital defects. 62% of children affected by Rosalia during pregnancy developed congenital anomalies, such as deafness (47% of cases), cardiac lesions (42% of cases), vision defects (42% of cases) and microcephaly (14% of cases ) 4 .

There are no therapies against Rosalia, but a prevention strategy can be followed thanks to vaccination. Women who want pregnancy can verify before conception if they are immune to this virus through a blood test called Rubeotest, which is carried out periodically during pregnancy by women who are negative in the presence of antibodies against rubella.

In order to define well what non -invasive prenatal tests to carry out it is very important to rely on your trusted gynecologist.