Roma – Lenzi: “ the new endocrinology hub point of the network of complex pathologies ”
On January 25, the “General States of Endocrinology are called to meet. For an endocrinology 2.0 “. What the goal is, what the themes discussed during the works will be and how they will be divided?
January 25 will be a day of work and study that will serve to redefine some aspects of the endocrinological discipline. The works will take place according to a rather innovative mode that provides for the alternation of short relationships of teachers at long discussions with the specializing. The novelty is this comparison between today’s endocrinology and the endocrinology of tomorrow, the one I like to define as “endocrinology 2.0 “.
Attention will focus in particular on assistance, research and training. General states are the beginning of a path that will end in June 2017 on the occasion of the National Congress of Endocrinology, during which we will present a document that will take stock of Italian Endocrinology, a sort of white photographer on the state of the art that We will lead to the attention of institutions, political decision makers, public administration and media, referents other than us specialists but with whom we will have to learn to confront constantly. This long journey has the purpose of proposing a renewed approach to endocrinology discipline which is increasingly well -being of wellness.
As has changed, if it is, endocrinology and how it will change in the future? What is the new face of the endocrinologist?
Endocrinology in the last decade, and in particular in the past five years, has grown very much. It has evolved both from the clinical point of view and the new skills it has faced, I am referring to all those social important pathologies such as obesity, osteoporosis, dysfunction of fertility and sexuality, The rare diseases and tumors in endocrinology and many others for whom the role of the endocrinologist is not yet known to most patients, both from a scientific point of view, as today more and more is all linked to chemicals (food, environment , pollutants) and in particular hormones are the substances characterized by the highest biological power known by influencing the life and health of men and women. Endocrinology never as today must be able to cure and manage three very important eras of an individual’s life: the development phase, the phase of maturity and the phase of old age, which must be governed better to avoid serious pathologies and disabilities.
The endocrinologist must be able to adapt to these changes for this must receive training along the entire study path from the University to the School of Specialization to the Masters and PhD PhDs and also a continuous training with the ECM. The endocrinology of the future is oriented towards high specialization and the “super-endocrinologist” of tomorrow will be a link between multiple disciplines, but also a refined researcher and at the same time an open clinician, prepared to face a company in continuous evolution.
What are the stages of this revolution that will be the subject of the work of the general states?
Firstly assistance. Endocrinology must become the center of a network made of complex and high social and economic impact pathologies. Scientific research, with the ability to translate the results of each new discovery (from diagnostic methodology, to drug) in clinical practice.
Training: the academic world must adapt to a new paradigm of endocrinology and endocrinologists. University and scientific society must guide the endocrinologist towards a wellness medicine at all ages. And lastly Endocrinology 2.0 cannot ignore a strong attention to the health economy and the organization to optimize performance and save money.