Anaphylactic shock it’s dangerous

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Anaphylactic shock, it’s dangerous?

The anaphylactic shock o anaphylaxis is a very serious allergic reaction that can become life-threatening as it starts suddenly and gets worse very quickly, so prompt intervention is important. If you suffer from allergies it is always good to have antihistamines at home which can help immediately.

The most common triggers are foods, medications, insect venom, or latex.

During anaphylactic shock, the immune system releases substances that cause a sudden drop in blood pressure and narrowing of the airways with blockage of breathing.

Along with anaphylactic shock, the following also occur:

  • slow heart rate
  • urticaria
  • nausea and vomit
  • diarrhea
  • Stunning, dizziness, collapse or loss of consciousness
  • lowering of blood pressure
  • difficulty breathing (dyspnoea), with fast and shallow breathing
  • narrowing of the airways and swelling (oedema) of the tongue or throat, which can cause wheezing and breathing problems
  • sweating
  • confusion and anxiety

As can be seen, all these “symptoms” that appear quickly, in succession or perhaps all together, are very dangerous and for this reason prompt intervention is important, which includes an injection of adrenaline and first aid.

If you ingest a food and suspect you are allergic to it or if you are bitten by an insect, call an ambulance immediately or go to the emergency room as anaphylactic shock can be fatal if not treated immediately.

Therefore, while waiting for the rescue, to extend the person in a supine position, unless he is in an unconsciousness, in a state of pregnancy or with breathing difficulties.

Carefully remove any triggers, such as a bee sting, if possible, and use an adrenaline auto-injector if available and you are able to use it correctly.

This device consists of a syringe (combined with a concealed needle) that injects a single dose of medication when pressed against the thigh.

Give another injection of adrenaline after 5-15 minutes if help still hasn’t arrived.