Ronciglione – Breast cancer screening

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Ronciglione – Breast cancer screening

From 8 to 18 April 2016, it will be possible to perform a free mammography exam in Ronciglione, at the new mobile unit located in Via della Resistenza c/o Presidio Ospedaliero.

The A.u.St.L. For several years Viterbo has activated the Breast Cancer Screening Program promoted by the Lazio Region in the province of Viterbo. The protocol of the prevention program provides that the female population between 50 and 69 years of age is invited to perform a mammogram every two years, carrying out a completely harmless examination which allows the detection of any breast cancer lesions in the initial stage.

The result of the screening will be sent at home and, for any problems or complications, patients will be contacted by telephone to agree on further checks.