Study shock pesticides can cause Parkinson’s disease

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SHOCK STUDY: pesticides can cause Parkinson’s disease in predisposed subjects

Studio shock, pesticides can cause Parkinson’s disease in predisposed subjects. The pesticides would prevent mitochondria from working properly, causing cellular death in human neurons with a greater susceptibility to Parkinson’s disease.

A research recently published in the Journal phase

Recently published on the Journal phase, it has also found that low pesticides levels can lead to the development of Parkinson’s disease in those who are at risk of developing the condition. Pesticides such as Paraquat, Maneb and Rotenone have previously shown that they have an effect on Parkinson’s disease, but the latest studies reveal how they have an effect, and have also been carried out in conditions that imitate human physiology more closely.

Scott Ryan, professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and Cellular of the University of Guelph, explains that this study is applicable to human cases.

We are among the first to investigate what is happening at an interior of human cells, while most of the studies on the link between pesticides and parkinson in the past was based on animal studies. The research team used human stem cells with a mutation in the α-Sinuclein gene, which is associated with an increased risk of parkinson and has transformed them into dopamine producer neurons (the cells affected in the brain of Parkinson’s disease patients). Researchers have found that when dopamine-producing neurons are exposed to pesticides, they produce nitric oxide (NO), which impedes the movement of mitochondria to areas of the nerve cell where it is needed most.

Modification of structures called microtubules

NO is involved in the modification of structures called microtubules that normally carry mitochondria around the cell. A lack of mitochondrial transport means that not enough energy is being produced to maintain the cell. The exact cause of Parkinson’s disease is still unknown, but we do know that it can develop due to the death of dopamine-producing neurons in certain areas of the brain, and therefore a lack of dopamine in these areas.

The resulting lack of mitochondrial energy causes the neuron to die, leading to Parkinson’s disease.

The dose of pesticides to which these neurons were exposed was actually lower than the level of effect observed the lowest previously designed. People with a predisposition for Parkinson’s disease are more affected by these low -level exhibitions to agrochemicals and therefore more likely to develop the disease .

The production of nitric oxide can be stopped or slowed down by the use of nos inhibitors

The results show that with some current laws, people can still develop a very likely probability of developing Parkinson’s disease after exposure to these pesticides, if they have certain mutations that give them a higher risk. The production of nitric oxide can be stopped or slowed down by the use of nos inhibitors. These are molecules that inhibit enzymes that generate nitric oxide.

This study used the nom-nitro-l-arginine inhibitor of the NOS to stop the effects of the pesticide. Beyond the certainty or not of the results of the study that certainly deserve an in -depth analysis, for Giovanni d ’ Agata, president of the “Rights counter”, a regulatory drop of the maximum thresholds of pesticides in agriculture and the replacement of the same is needed with less invasive techniques from a chemical point of view. Only in this way is it possible to eliminate any negative effect, even potential.